
Grammar - Particles
Created At: Jan 11 2022

General Grammar

Most common sentence structure:

A is B | A wa B desu

watashi wa Santhosh desu | I am Santhosh
Kore wa mizu desu | This is water

Question Formation

Just add "Ka" in the end of the statement to make it a question.

↳ This is water | kore wa mizu desu

↳ Is this water? | kore wa mizu desu ka ?


S.No Particles Meaning
1 wa subject(general)
2 ga subject(emphasis/questions)
3 ka question
4 no belonging
5 mo also/even/too/as well(Parallel marker)
6 o direct object
7 ni Movement: To, at(General)
8 de Movement: at place, by way of
9 e Movement: Towards,to
10 to and(specific list)
11 ya and(general list)
12 kara from/since
13 made to/until
14 ne right?
15 yo you know?

Explanations for common participles

wa: Noami wa amerikanjin desu| Naoami is an american

↳ It often follows the topic the speaker wants to talk about
↳ Topic is often grammatical subject or object/verb
↳sometimes it also follows other participles
↳ In the example, "wa" says that the sentence is about Naomi

ga: Dare ga kimasu ka? | who will come?

↳ Used when the question word is the subject of the sentence
↳ Can also be used to emphasize the subject or distinguish it from others ↳ Also comes after a topic to emphasize it

  • Naomi ga amerikanji desu
  • Naomi IS an american

↳ In the first example, "ga" is used instead of "wa" to indicate that you are referring back to "who".

ka: Danny wa amerikajin des ka? | Is danny an american?

↳ Simply used to add question mark to a statement.

no: ototo no inu desu | That's my brother's dog

↳ Used to indicate possession
↳ Works like 's(apostrophe s) or "of" but in different order than that of english.

mo: wataqshi mo | Me too/Me also/ Even me

↳ Primarily used as parallel marker but sometimes it is also used to emphasize "any".
Nani mo miemashendeshita | I couldn't see anything

o: kohi o nomimasu | I drink coffee

↳ used to indicate direct object of a sentence.
↳ used when something is being directly acted upon the verb
↳ Marks grammatical object of a sentence and follows noun and noun phrases
↳ Formation: Noun + o + verb

ni: nihon ni ikimasu | I'm going to japan

↳ Used to indicate destination, movement, time
↳ Means both "to" and "at"

de watashi wa ie de hon yo yomimasu | I read books at home

↳ Like how performer of an action (the subject) is followed by "wa" or "ga", place is followed by "de".

ne: kore wa oishi desu ne | This is delicious isn't it?

↳ USed in the end of a sentence like a question mark.
↳ If said with a rasing intonation, it acts like a request for confirmation from the listener.
↳ If said with falling intonation, it acts as a rhetorical device.

Ref: JapanesePod101 & Busuu

Important announcement

In an unfortunate turn of events, I got my IP blocked by "LearnWithOliver's" server.
I tried to access the backend(server) through ssh from my device by using dns of the said domain. Apparently, they block the IP after certain number of failed password trails.

Now, if I want to access their service, I have to use Tor in brave browser. At the moment, I don't know if the ban is permanent or temporary(hopefully).

Future Plans

Now that we know around 200+ words, Its time to actually memorize. Thinking about it, blindly learning 25 words every day isn't going to help much.

Rather, I think its better to actually memorize those words.
To do that, I'm planning to build a flash card function to this website. It will have the following features:

  • Consolidates all the words so far and make quizlet like flash cards.
  • Add a feature to play sound of the word from LearnWithOliver's database.(Most probably i'll face issues with CORS but thats a good feature to have)
  • Search through all the words(most simple out of all but left for last)

Hopefully, It won't take a lot of time to implement these.

Alright. This is it for today.

That's all folks!
