
'Samiui' - freezing/cold
Created At: Jan 17 2022

Words for the day

Japanese word English Meaning
shikujitsu holiday
kyuka vacation
fuyu winter
gatsu/getsu month
samui cold/freezing
yoi good
omoshiroi humorous
kashikoi smart
shinsetsu kind
oroka stupid
majime serious
tsuyoi strong
yukan brave
tsumaranai boring
kakkoi cool
hazukashii shy
wanpaku naughty
riko intelligent
shincho careful
nonki easy going/carefree
kinben hard-working
nintaizuyoi patient
nai koteki introverted
gai koteki extroverted
minna everyone
tsukutte make
iimashita told

Sentences for the day

sentence meaning
anata wa toteemo tsumaranai you are vary boring
anata wa subete ni tottemo shinsetsu desu you are very kind to all
anata wa mondai nandesuka? kimi wa tottemo majime what is your problem, you are very serious
atarashi kyoshi wa tottemo nonki ne? the new teacher is very care-free right?
ano kangoshi wa minna nintaizuyoi desu that nurse is patient with everyone
sono wa kodomo ne minna otono ni teinei desu that child is kind to all adults

Alright. This is it for today.

That's all folks!
